EnteraMeal® High-Fiber


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Features :

  • 14.5% energy provided by high biological value protein (whey)
  • 33 % of the energy provided by sunflower oil and coconut oil (source of MCT)
  • 52.5% of energy provided by carbohydrates (maltodextrin and fructose)
  • Inulin, partially hydrolyzed guar gum and oat fiber
  • Gluten-free
  • Low Lactose


Properties and Applications :

  • Complete nutrition formula for patients requiring gastric tube feeding, particularly in patients need long-term (3 to 6 weeks) tube feeding
  • Elderly and individuals who are not able to meet their daily nutritional requirements just from the meals
  • Contributes to the growth and repair of the intestinal mucosa
  • Better control of hyperglycemia 
  • Reduces cholesterol and LDL
  • Reduces the incidence of diarrhea and constipation
  • Contributes to the absorption of magnesium and calcium
  • Promotes immune system function


How to use :

Pour one scoop (11.2 g) of formula into a clean container and add water to bring the volume up to 50 ml. This solution provides 1 Kcal/ml



  • Gastrointestinal disfunction, or gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Patients have special metabolic conditions and nutritional needs, such as patients with renal failure and acute pancreatitis
  • Patients who need high-fibrous diets
  • Patients who are undergone ileostomy or colostomy surgeries
  • Patients with the Jejunostomy


Recommendation :

Given the prevalence of persistent diarrhea in patients requiring tube feeding, it is recommended to administer EnteraMeal® High-fiber from early tube feeding along with the EnteraMeal® Standard as frequent meals.

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