Super Whey


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  • Protein: 44%, including a combination of milk and whey proteins
  • 5 grams of L - glutamine amino acid per serving
  • 12 different vitamins to supply 100% of daily needs
  • ldeal for gaining weight and muscle mass, and preventing muscle  breakdown  after a workout
  • Effective on delaying the fatigue and speed up the muscular recovery after a workout
  • Promotes immune system function


How to use :

Add 1 scoop to 150 ml of water or milk. To encourage maximum result, take 2-3 scoops 3 hours before the workout and 2-3 scoops up to 1hour after the workout. The taste of the prepared shake is more desirable when mixed with milk.



  • People with phenylketonuria should not take this supplement.
  • This supplement is allowed in patients with chronic renal failure and patients taking any particular medication under the supervision of a physician or nutritionist.
  • Because glutamine is unstable in water, it should be taken immediately after preparation.
  • Do not take supplements with hot liquids.

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